Wednesday 29 March 2017

4 Steps to Teaching Your Child to Read

1.  Read to your child

2.  Classify the Genre

3.  Be a good (reading) example

4.  Word Families

published by : Alia Saharuddin

20 silly jokes for kids

Now that your big kid's sense of humor has progressed, she appreciates riddles and more complex humor. Here are 20 great kid-friendly jokes to make your child laugh.
Q: Why was 6 afraid of 7?
A: Because 7, 8, 9.
Q: What musical instrument is found in the bathroom?
A: A tuba toothpaste.
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Pizza who?
Pizza really great guy!
Q: What do you call cheese that's not yours?
A: Nacho cheese!
Q: What do elves learn in school?
A: The elf-abet.
Q: Why did the boy bring a ladder to school?
A: He wanted to go to high school.
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Interrupting, squawking parrot.
Interrupting, squawking parr-
Q: Where do pencils go for vacation?
A: Pencil-vania.
Q: Why did the girl smear peanut butter on the road?
A: To go with the traffic jam!
Q: Why do bananas have to put on sunscreen before they go to the beach?
A: Because they might peel!
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Little old lady.
Little old lady who?
Wow, I didn't know you could yodel!
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Lettuce who?
Lettuce in, it's freezing out here!
After many years, a prisoner is finally released.
He runs around yelling, "I'm free! I'm free!"
A little kid walks up to him and says, "So what? I'm 4."
Q: How do you make a tissue dance?
A: You put a little boogie in it.
Q: Which flower talks the most?
A: Tulips, of course, because they have two lips!
Q: A man arrived in a small town on Friday. He stayed for two days and left on Friday. How is this possible?
A: His horse's name is Friday!
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Cows go.
Cows go who?
No, silly. Cows go "moo!"
Q: What did 0 say to 8?
A: Nice belt!
Q: What did the mushroom say to the fungus?
A: You're a fun guy [fungi].
Q: Why couldn't the pony sing himself a lullaby?
A: He was a little hoarse.




Too many people go through their days with too few smiles. Teach children to smile at people and say hi. Honestly, my kids are shy and this is a big work in progress for us, but they are learning.


While there are several reasons that my kids get along so well, this family rule helps a lot. I am also trying to teach them to do this at school with classmates. As I already mentioned in #1, my children tend to be shy and fairly introverted, and so this can be hard for them. At the same time, our move from Massachusetts to California means that they understand what it’s like to be the new kid.


Sometimes the best thing you can do for someone is to be there and listen. I try to model that with my children, but this is something I am still very much working on. Actually, I’m still very much working on everything on this list!


There are so many easy ways children can show someone that they care about them. Here are a few to get you started:
  • Mail a picture or letter.
  • Make a simple gift.
  • Give a hug to someone you love.
  • Look for ways to be a helper. Hold open a door, or pick up a toy that a baby drops. Offer to read a story to a younger child.
  • Tell someone something specific that you like about them.

Why Is It Important To Spend Quality Time With Kids?

There is more and more talk among parents about spending quality time with their kids. However, some parents believe that an hour of quality time is sufficient and that nothing more needs to be done. If the hour was a productive one such as going out to eat, watching TV. together, or going to the movies, parents seem to be satisfied with that. However, quality time involves more than just an hour a day because an hour is a relatively short period of time and doesn't allow for in depth bonding. 

It is that bonding that makes spending quality time with the kids important. It is a time where the parent can show their child things, do fun activities together, and even teach their children values. When a child is not getting to spend time with their parents, they are constantly getting mixed signals regarding right and wrong. What the babysitter may consider to be right might be considered wrong by mom and dad, so the child may feel like they are constantly getting in trouble with their parents when they are all together.

However, quality time isn't just to do things such as going to the park or going to the movies. Sure, that is a lot of fun and kids will love you for it, but quality time is comprised of so much more than impressing the kids with fun things to do. It is an unfortunate fact that some parents are so into making up the time that is lost throughout the week by doing huge fun things like going to an amusement park, that they forget about things such as school work and other important things. A dad that brags about spending quality time with his kids by taking them to Disney World one day may not know how the kids are doing in school. That is why quality time should also consist of helping the kids with their school work. 

By setting aside a time in which you can be available while the kids do homework can mean so much to them. If they have a question and you can be proactive in helping them find the answer, they will feel so great when they see the answer before their eyes. It is such a great feeling to be struggling and mom and dad help find the solution rather than give the answer. This teaches problem-solving skills which are skills that parents should instill in their children.

Something else that parents should avoid is being peers instead of parents. Many parents are concerned with being their children's best friend. Sure, that can be a great feeling when your child feels like you're the greatest thing in the world, but it is important to maintain that parenting role even when hanging out with the kids. It keeps that degree of respect that needs to be there. 

As for parents looking for a way to spend time with the kids, there are creative ways in which it can be done. First of all, write down your schedule and see if there is any way to make modifications to it. If there is, try to set aside the same times every single week in order to create a routine with the family. This is a great way to make sure no one else in the family schedules other activities during these times. If one of the children's friends asks, "want to come over Thursday after school?" Your child can let them know they can't because it is family night. There are many ways in which a parent can spend time with their kids. All it takes is a few modifications and some great ideas.

Published by : AliaSaharuddin 

Unforgettable childhood moment

In every human life, there is an unforgettable childhood experience. There could be many experiences or just one. These journeys can be good or bad and possibly end up beneficial or not. I have had a few bad ones. However, they occurred around times when I was trying to fit in and find my inner-self. In a sense, these experiences help to define my personality.

Well, it was a short story of my life when I was a kid probably, 6 years. My friends & I, use to hang out around the tree which was near the playing ground. One of my friends father had tied a rope there and made a swing like stuff for us. We swing there one by one. One of my friends, was very very naughty and lie a lot. He said to me, " It is my turn now". I said, " No, Its mine". He hit me and I fell down. I stand up and ask for my turn, again he hit me and I fell down. This time I was very angry and with the frowning eyes, I warned him, if he won't let me swing I will hit you with the stone. He said, " Whatever!!". I took a small stone in my hand and I throw onto him, without thinking it could hurt his eyes and harm him. He started crying and come down. And I started swinging.

The same day in the evening, his mother come to my house complaining my mother and said, " See, what your daughter has done to my son, near his eyes it is bleeding". She was full...her eyes were red, eyebrows raised onto me. Screaming and shouting on me...blur!!! I was speechless. Pretending to be innocent. My mother asked me about the incident and I explained her the whole story, how he hit me and my legs were bleeding and saw her the scratches on my hands, and finally, how I throw the stone on him. I didn't know this could happen. That lady was still shouting on me and my mother. My mother asked her to bring a stone and let her son hit on my eyes. If this could make her son feel better then do that. Then she think for a while and said to my mother, "Oh, I am sorry. I don't know why I spelled so bad words for you." My mother said, " They are children and a friends, today they fought and tomorrow they will play together again then why we are blaming and shouting". 

I didn't forget these words my mother told her. That day I didn't understand what was the meaning of that words and why my mother asked her to bring the stone but when I grew up, I understood, what she meant to say. After that incident I never threw any stone on anybody. Today, when I remind those moment, I feel so bad for my foolish things I did. I was so silly and naughty girl. That incident changed me a lot from inside.

In one way or another, bad experiences can lead to great success.

published by : AliaSaharuddin

Dangers Of Cigarette Smoke On Children

3 Effects of Smoking To Baby & Toddler

In Malaysia, the number of smokers is still increasing despite various campaigns carried out. Sources said that in 2013 the percentage of smokers increased to almost 25% and it is the highest figure since the National Health Survey (NHMS) 2006.
Here are some of the risks are babies who are exposed to cigarette smoke, though not for 'direct'.

1. Potential for Sudden Death

As reported by The Health Consequence of Tobacco Use, the probability of getting a little baby death syndrome (SIDS) is higher for infants who are exposed to cigarette smoke or even babies in the womb.
Moreover, unborn babies are also at risk of low birth weight and other complications that lead to permanent health threat.

2. Asthma Attack

In addition to genetic and environmental factors, babies who live with parents who smoke are more likely to have asthma (asthma) compared with infants who lived in homes that do not contain tobacco smoke.
Although there are now treatments for asthma, exposure to cigarette smoke continued asthma attack can actually cause very serious.
Sadly, there are studies found that the nicotine in cigarettes can cause asthma drugs can not affect 100% of patients.

3. Affect Children's IQ development

According to data by the American For Non-Smokers' Rights, the effects of tobacco smoke 'stale' This can inhibit a child's ability to learn. It is evidenced by a score of 2.87 points lower IQ than children who were not exposed to cigarette smoke.
In addition, the study Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics also linked smoking as one of the causes of child hyperactive, violent, depressed and suffering from ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), particularly among boys.

published by : Nik Shima

the occurrence of Down syndrome children

The factors that clearly increase the risk of having a baby with Down syndrome is the age of the mother during pregnancy. Women who are pregnant at the age of 20 years have a risk of 1 to 1,500. If pregnancy is delayed 10 years, and the risk increases to 1 800. And if the appeal was delayed 10 years to get pregnant at age 40, the risk is 1 in 100. However, this does not close the possibility of a higher risk for all stages of pregnancy.

Women over 35 have a higher risk of having a baby with Down syndrome conditions, especially if the sperm obtained is of men aged 40 years and older. Women who have had a child with Down syndrome are also more at risk of having a baby with this condition in subsequent pregnancies.

Published by : nik Shima