Wednesday 29 March 2017

Encouraging children to eat vegetables

Encouraging children to eat vegetables can sometimes be a challenge. But vegetables are a vital part of a healthy diet, so it’s important to help your child enjoy them, then here a few tips how to encouraging children to eat vegetables. First, try to keep trying with vegetable, It’s normal for children to say they don’t like vegetables when they first taste them. If the child says that doesn’t like vegetables or doesn’t like a new vegetable, you should keep offering them to her at mealtimes and also keep encouraging her to try and taste them. Over the time, the children will chance their thought about vegetables and eventually eat or like the veggies.
Second that is use praise when your child tries vegetables, some parent love to tease their children when the child is success eating their veggies and thought it will funny but it not. If you praise the children each time she or he eats or tries vegetables, she’s more likely to eat vegetables again. Praise works best when you tell your child exactly what they did well but try not to let praise become the focus of the meal, though. Your aim is to encourage your child to eat vegetables because he likes them, not because he wants praise and rewards from you.

Lastly, Go for variety, taste and fun of different vegetables that is different shapes, colours, textures and tastes. The more variety there is, the more likely it is your child will find something that he’s interested in eating. If you serve new vegetables with food your child enjoys, the entire focus of the meal isn’t on new vegetables. But the most important is always Remember that taste matters.

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